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Access to international markets

We are already there !

US - United States

EU - Europe    

ME - Middle East - UAE and GCC




Buy machines from us

Turnkey and at the best conditions. 

We are Salespeare, similar to Shakespeare


CNC machines & powder coating lines supplier

In UAE, GCC, USA and Europe.




industrial powder coating systems

   All Continents

automated powder coating system
Up to 50% increased production in powder coating line




What we can do for you?

Since 2010

  • Young dynamic team

  • In average 12+ years experienced


  • Several internationally mobilised teams

  • Installation, training and service


references powder coating lines

Choose your favorite mark

 for powder coating guns. 


  • Gema Switzerland

  • Nordson US or

  • Wagner Germany or other



gema powder coating supplier





Contact Us

Powder coating equipment UAE and GCC

Office RAK - UAE

Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain

30 automated lines installed in GCC

Office RAK - Salespeare FZ LLC

Tel: +971 58 1262 seven-seven 4

Start icon down Whatsapp +971 five-five 968 0609

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Switzerland, Germany, Austria




2x Offices, Basel and Zurich

Tel: +41 61 588 zero-zero 15

icon down Whatsapp +41 79 475 72 three-three

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USA Florida




Office Miami

Tel: +1 786 292 12 zero 6

Start icon down Whatsapp +1 312 9 zero-zero 2947

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